Gregory Figg is a writer from Essex, UK, and is the author of the Engines of Ascendancy series. His debut novel, Threshold, was published in 2016 (remastered and republished in 2023), followed by Harbinger in 2018 (remastered and republished in 2024), Nemesis in 2021, and Clarity in 2023. He is currently working on the fifth and sixth novels in the EoA series.

Figg has set out to weave a sweeping, multi-storyline epic of alternate medieval historical fiction. Narratively and thematically intertwined, it challenges the boundaries of understanding and history for character and reader alike, all to the backdrop of reality-shattering alternate circumstances.  With degrees in both Ancient History and Modern History, and a lifelong interest in comparative mythology, historiography, chronology, and religious and spiritual esotericism, he sees the period commonly held as the European High Middle Ages to be a fascinating, fruitful era in which to lose oneself – sufficiently distant to be exotic, but familiar enough to be relatable and therefore tangible.

Figg draws on the creative aether to tell a story untold and hitherto concealed from our present world’s perception, concerning the realms that might and have been. All that is required is a push, a slip, a discovery, and these realms come tumbling in.  Through the eyes of protagonists and the actions of their friends, comrades and enemies, Figg looks to explore ideas and perspectives that pertain to the very essence of human existence, reflecting how we grow emotionally, intellectually and alchemically in the face of dangers and archetypes – forecasted and unforeseen – from realms within and without.

Follow him on Instagram, Goodreads and Facebook.